• Danger!


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RM 34.90

RRP: RM 75.95

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This is a dangerously gripping guide to our perilous planet and beyond warning! Open this book at your own risk. In Danger! you will encounter animals armed with sharp claws and killer jaws, deep-sea monsters, poisonous plants, and frogs falling from the sky, not to mention hapless, accident-prone humans you'd be unwise to hang out with. Explore the hottest and highest places on Earth, discover Antarctic wastelands, and consider the end of the world and whether or not it's nigh. Visit the Deadly Diner for a light bite - a slice of wriggling maggot cheese or a spot of live octopus - or find out about the most dangerous mathematical formula in history. Don't let the familiar encyclopedic structure, funky designs, facts, stats, and amazing stories of daring and survival lull you into a false sense of security. Danger! is filled with peril, risk, and suspense. Open with extreme caution. You have been warned!

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